Trophy Protocol - Launches World's Largest Paying DeFi Results at 380,345.76% APY Investors around the world are chasing high-yield low-risk returns in a booming wave in the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) technology sector and note that cryptocurrencies in general are opening up new possibilities across the financial industry. Trophy is a DeFi-focused company that creates benefits and value for Trophy token holders and the Trophy Auto-Staking Protocol (TAP) is a new financial protocol that makes betting easier, and more efficient, and provides $TROPHY token holders the highest stable returns in the world. crypto. Trophy is a DeFi-focused company that creates benefits and value for Trophy token holders. Our TAP algorithm used in Trophy tokens provides great benefits for $Trophy holders: Trophy Insurance Fund (TIF)- 4% of all trading fees are deposited in the Trophy Insurance Fund which helps maintain and support betting rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducin...